ISO Certificate 07.04.2022
Expert opinion 20.01.2012
Expert opinion for Mining Company No. 238/2011 based on Geological and Mining Law - Act. 1 item. 1 of the Art.78A sentence of 4 February 1994 (Journal of Laws form 2005 No. 228 item.1947 --- Dz.U. 2005r. nr 228 poz.1947)
Decision to conduct trainings 22.10.2010
On the basis of item.74 section 4 of the Act from 4 February 1994 - Geological and Mining Law (Journal od Laws from 2005 No. 228, item.1947 --- Dz.U. 2005r. nr 228 poz. 1947) and item. 104 from June 14, 1960 of the Act - Code of Administrative Procedure
Sakop certificate 09.06.2009
This certificate provides confirmation that ELPRO-7 Zabrze company is an authorized contractor repair connections and power cable and wires for voltages up to 3,6/6 kV.